The selected projects below demonstrate relevant work in my career as a creative professional at the Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


Be What’s Possible

In 2019, the Haslam College of Business adopted the tagline “Be what’s possible.”  I was tasked with coming up with a campaign concept for the introduction of the new slogan.  I wanted to illustrate that an education from UT follows you throughout life.  Whether you are preparing for an interview or an entrepreneur running your own business, a degree from the Haslam College of Business led you there and stays with you on your journey. The brand color, UT Orange, was used to symbolize the connection between Haslam and the individual’s professional journey in life. Partnering with a local production agency, I assisted in everything from story boarding to creative direction. I designed all campaign collateral to include social media, print advertisements, digital displays, and pole banners.


I have designed and managed thousands of design projects from brochures and booklets to wordmarks and swag for nearly every program, institute, office and department at the Haslam College of Business.

ms in marketing


Haslam Website


I am currently in the process of redesigning the Haslam site. This is just a sneak peak of progress so far. With this redesign we are looking to reduce the use of Globe (blue) and focus on a more clean simplistic site. Information hierarchy and user journey’s will be a big part of this redesign as well as accessibility and SEO improvements.


Each year the Haslam College of Business produces an annual holiday video to share across social media. This time, I decided to do something a little different. Stop Motion! I have a new found respect for the time involved to create such a short video segment. I had a blast doing it, though. From start to finish, I staged, shot and edited this project. I also don’t want to leave out all the trips to the craft store for little trees and various accoutrements. This was such a fun project to work on despite it being time intensive and tedious.

Yes, this is me. I was geeking out on this just a little.

Instagram Moments

Wall wrap illustration for undergraduate orientation. Photos were featured across the college’s social media account during orientation week.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss my work in more detail.